The State Asphalt Pavement Association s in NY, PA. NJ, WV, MD and DE, have partnered with NAPA to bring this workshop webinar to our members and highway owners. The practice of low embodied carbon asphalt procurement is now a reality in our part of the US. NY recently released their green procurement policy, Delaware advised they will require EPDs with all asphalt mixes in 2024 and the NY-NJ Port Authority has implemented their Clean Construction Program. Joseph Shacat, NAPAs Director of Sustainable Pavements, will be the keynote presenter. He will provide an overview of where the Federal and State governments stand with green procurement of construction materials, why the time is now to start developing EPDs, what inputs you need to start creating EPDs and what software tool is available to produce an asphalt mix EPD. We will also have a panel of subject matter practitioners available, who have already produced EPDs for their company, to answer any questions. Please share this workshop with anyone who would benefit from getting this real time education! This is a big deal for our industry and a way and means to further our partnership with highway owners and regulatory agencies.
November 1, 2023
Don't delay, Apply today!
For more information, click the link: PAPA Gary L Hoffman Scholarship Information
PAPA would like to congratulate one of our Board Members, and APQIC Committee members Dennis A. Morian, P.E., Director of Engineering at QES, on co-authoring a new manual titled “Construction Quality in the Alternate Project Delivery Environment”. His co-authors were Tara L. Cavalline, Ph.D., and Clifford J. Schexnayder, Ph.D., P.E. This text discusses the many topics supporting delivery of project quality in the APD environment. These topics are still very applicable with the traditional project delivery method of Design-Bid-Build. Specifically, the text probes in detail the following topics: • Quality management, • Quality assurance, xvii Construction Quality in the Alternate Project Delivery Environment Downloaded from by on 02/23/22. Copyright ASCE. For personal use only; all rights reserved. • Prescriptive versus performance specifications, • Quality assurance in the design and construction phases, • Quality control processes, • Variation and sampling techniques, • Tools for construction quality improvement, • Control charts, • Statistical sampling and percent within limits (PWL), • Benchmarking, • Special inspections, and • Acceptance. Engineers, technicians, and construction managers engaged in project design and construction will find this a single source of recommended quality management and quality assurance practices. These support the work of engineering professionals when engaged in projects using either conventional or APD contracting methods. One other kudo we would like to relate is the Prologue to this textbook is the story of how one of our other members, Lindy Paving Inc., uses quality to drive their company values and culture. Lindy Paving has won five NAPA Sheldon G. Hayes Awards for highest quality paving projects. This is more than any other company since the award was started in 1971 and exemplifies their drive and commitment to using QA – QC to provide a product that is without peer in the industry. Congratulations to Denny and co-authors on producing this very informative and innovative look at Alternative Project Delivery.
As all of you know by now, the Senate voted 69 to 30 and passed the bi-partisan $1.2 trillion Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA). Senator Bob Casey voted Yea, and Senator Pat Toomey voted Nay on final passage. Please thank Senator Casey for his affirmative vote when you meet with him or communicate with his office.
The National Asphalt Pavement Association released a statement providing a summary of the impact the bill will have on the asphalt pavement industry. According to NAPA's state-by-state funding summary, Pennsylvania would receive $13.1 billion over 5-years (2022 - 2026) which is a 40% increase (roughly a $880 million increase per year) over the FY2016 - FY2020 FAST Act total of $8.7 billion. When FHWA prepares the final funding tables, we will provide you with that information. In addition, Pennsylvania would be able to apply for an additional $31 billion of funding through competitive grant programs awarded by the US DOT including Mega Projects, RAISE (Formerly called TIGER), Safe Streets, Culverts, Bridge, and INFRA.
The bill now heads to the House of Representatives. Speaker Pelosi has announced that the House will be in session the week of August 23rd to pass the FY 2022 Budget Resolution approved by the Senate earlier this week. Our partner state asphalt pavement associations, along with national associations, the Chamber of Commerce, ARTBA, AGC, NAPA, NSSGA, etc., will be initiating a grassroots and media campaign to urge passage of the Senate Bipartisan Infrastructure Bill during the week of August 23rd also. We will pass pertinent information along regarding that campaign once we receive it. The sooner the Congress sends the bill to the President, the sooner Pennsylvanian’s will see the benefits of the bill.
As an active member of PAPA, we would encourage you contact your Congressman or Congresswoman and urge them to get back to Washington and pass the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act. PA would receive $2.62 billion per year for the next five years and this amount of funding would provide an exponential and generational opportunity to improve all our transportation infrastructure assets and in particular the two most in need of repair, replacement, and rehabilitation, roads, and bridges. There is not a second to lose and we need to make the voices of the asphalt pavement industry heard in the local and Washington offices of our elected Congressional members.
When people think about recycling, they think of aluminum and steel cans, glass and plastic, and newspapers. In fact, America’s most recycled product is none of these, asphalt pavements weigh more than all three of these major recycling products combined. Learn more about the green industry that paved America.
3544 North Progress Avenue,
Suite 100
Harrisburg PA 17110
Mon-Fri ----------- 8am - 4pm
Sat-Sun ---------- Closed
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