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PennDOT JMF Year 2019 Update

From PennDOT LTS November 19, 2018, the following Notification has been received:

Due to a supplier request, the ability to select JMF Year “2019” to begin inputting and submitting Bituminous and Concrete 2019 JMFs will be active as of Tuesday, November 20, 2018.

PennDOT JMF Year 2019 Update

SOL 481-18-01: Respirable Crystalline Silica Rule Specifications

The intent of this Strike-Off Letter is to implement revisions to Publication 408, Section 107.08 Occupational Safety and Health, specification for Respirable Crystalline Silica (RCS).
The revisions will be incorporated into the next change to Pub 408, and are initially issued as a Standard Special Provision (a00045) Changes to Specifications: Section 107), with instructions that it be included in all projects let after March 1, 2018.

Hours-Of-Service Rules

The Federal Motor Carriers Safety Administration (FMCSA) has granted the National Asphalt Pavement Association’s (NAPA) application for certain exemptions to the agency’s Hours of Service (HoS) regulations. The exemption was published in the Federal Register, Jan. 26, 2018.

CLICK HERE for a copy of the Press Release

Asphalt Jobs

AsphaltJobs.com Centralizes Industry Job Searches

Now is the time to evaluate your workforce needs for the 2016 paving season. Visit www.AsphaltJobs.com to find the workers who can round out your team. It is the only site focused specifically on jobs in the asphalt pavement industry. Post a position listing and review résumés of jobseekers, or post a résumé and review job listings. Recently posted positions include an equipment mechanic in Texas, a QC supervisor in North Carolina, and a superintendent in Alaska.

2015 PAPA PennDOT Bus Tour

On behalf of PAPA, thanks to all who helped make this year’s PAPA PennDOT Bus Tour a great success! Day 1’s plant tour at Glenn O. Hawbaker and visit the project site in District 3-0 was impressive and educational.  Attendees were highly complimentary of both operations and the plant and field staff. We are confident this was an educational and collaborative experience for participants.   

A committee is being formed for the 2016 bus tour which will be held in District 1-0.

Highway Trust Fund

The current transportation funding measure is set to expire on May 31, 2015.  Transportation advocates continue to press for a long-term solution to the Highway Trust Fund.  As lawmakers are again considering a temporary extension, the Transportation Construction Coalition has delivered a letter to Congressional leaders.  For full details see the letter [here].  

American Infrastructure Companies Unify

(Worcester, Pa. - April 16, 2015) American Infrastructure, Allan A. Myers and Independence Construction Materials announced that they have unified under one name, Allan Myers, reflective of the original father and son team that founded the company more than 75 years ago. The three companies known for heavy civil construction and materials production have combined to make the largest organization of its kind in the region.  Click HERE for details.

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Harrisburg PA 17110

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